What do visitors from social media do on your site?


The different social reports each focus on a different element of social media. Justin Cutroni broke it down as follows:

Acquisition (visits to your site from social channels)
Engagement (use of social elements on your site)
Conversion (ultimate impact of social on conversion)

Below I will explain the different elements.

Which social channels provide traffic to your site? The Social Sources Report will answer this question for you. This report shows malaysia phone number list  you from which social channels traffic comes to your site. Google Analytics recognizes 400 different social sources. When multiple URLs are used for one source (such as Twitter, where t.co and twitter.com are used), Analytics neatly combines these under one category.

Social Sources Report – Google Analytics

For some networks in the image above

I you will see an icon that Justin Cutroni jokingly called the ‘ sleeping  What do visitors from  Mickey Mouse ‘. american samoa business directory Click on this and more detailed information about the network in question will appear. This information can be shown with the so-called Social Data Hub partners . For example, with Google+ you can expect information about +1’s, posts, reshares and comments. The exact data shown here differs per social channel, as each channel has its own options  sunrise complaints champion far ahead of swisscom for interaction. Don’t expect too much from this Mickey Mouse option at the moment; the list of partners only includes a few channels that we use a lot in the Netherlands. For example, Twitter, Facebook and Hyves are missing.

Engagement  How do they behave? And how are the sharing options on the site used? The existing Traffic Flow Report offers the possibility to visualize the behavior of visitors from the social sources. From which sources do they come.

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