The World Wide Web is Dead; Long Live the Internet

Since 2000, the World Wide Web has grown exponentially. In size and in nature. There are those who are already talking about the death of the World Wide Web , because the diversity of information, tools and applications online now includes so much more that the label World Wide Web no longer covers the load of the Internet. This also means that the nature of digital communication on the Internet is changing. It consists of much more than new media . The Internet is a breeding ground for all kinds of new communication and communication forms. See the article (and report!) by Sander Duivenstejn on this site. Interaction concepts have a greater appeal to users than conventional media concepts. This rise of interactive digital communication forms has also already announced itself in many organizations. The response to this announcement, however, is mainly about media.

Digital migration

We have migrated en masse to the new digital world over the past 7 years. Maybe not yet at work, bu nigeria phone number list  certainly privately. The Web 2.0 hype can be seen as a spontaneous digital migration of the population. And this digital population behaves differently than traditional consumers of analogue media. This difference is nicely summarized in the term prosumer . This gives a new dimension to the role of web visitor . This is no longer (merely) a passive consumer, but (also) a participating producer. You use the web, as a web user .

Facebook size vs countries graph

The digital migration: Facebook is bigger than the US. In 2011 (February), the number of Facebookers is estimated at 500 million.

The mass of digital migrants is an active group. This fits in well with the changing social context of today and the associated norms and values. Individualism has been playing a role in our society for some time. More recent are self-reliance and personal responsibility. These require a more active attitude from people today than from generations that pointed to the state as the solution to their problems. Just think of the introduction of personal  . The World Wide Web  responsibility atb directory with regard to your pension. That would have been blasphemy 30 years ago.

The culture of today in the Netherlands is

A different from that of a quarter century ago. But also in authoritarian political systems such as in the Middle gemini live assistant arrives in french and german  East, the changed behavior of people is visible. They have mobilized themselves not least as a digital mass . The official counter-voice, via the (mass) media, can no longer drown out the social mass. Absolute control of ‘the’ message cannot be maintained in the Digital Age (for the time being). And especially when that message about .

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