Understand how to send a collection message on whatsapp

Sending a collection message to customers can be an uncomfortable task, both for the entrepreneur and the debtor. Before the popularization of technological resources, these payment summonses were made in person. But now, with internet access in most Brazilian homes, the debt reminder can be done virtually, via WhatsApp .

However, you need to be careful when approaching it. So, if you want to understand how to send a collection message without being rude or offensive, keep reading!

Collection message types

Launched in 2009, WhatsApp has become one of the most widely used communication tools among Brazilians, with over 147 million accounts in the country. This makes Brazil the second country with the largest number of users, behind only India.

In general, the tool has two types of profiles: one aimed at businesses, WhatsApp Business, and another for individuals, regular WhatsApp. Although the two tools have some very specific differences, they both have the same objective: the exchange of instant messages virtually .

And this can actually be quite interesting. After all, there’s nothing better to charge someone than to access their direct communication channel, right? However, before making any kind of approach in this sense, it’s necessary to be careful to send the right content to the right person.

Below, we list the main types of charges that you can send via WhatsApp .

Automatic expiration notice

In short, this type of collection message aims to alert the customer that something is about to expire (or has already expired), and that australia whatsapp number data they need to renew it. Reminders like these can be sent before the due date , on the due date, or even after the payment is overdue.

Trading reminder
This type of message is basically sent in cases where the company wants to negotiate a debt with the customer for payment. Most of the time, the transmission takes place a few days after the invoice is due .

Negative report

However, before sending the debtor’s data to these services, it is best to inform them of this action and provide a last alternative to pay off their debts with the company .

How do I send a collection message via WhatsApp?

First of all, it is important to mention that, to send a collection message on WhatsApp, you must:

Have a WhatsApp Business account (preferably);
Investigate the storytelling: how to attract more sales to your company customer’s registration!  and payment records;
Check open invoices;

Write the statement on WhatsApp;

Fire the message.
>Furthermore! it is necessary to sad life box check all the information before sending the collection message to make sure it reaches the right customer. This is because ! communicating the collection to the wrong ! person can cause friction in the relationship between!  the company and the customer and harm the entire operation.

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