SEO Benefits of Headless Conversions

 Drive more customers to your product/service page.

If you create an amazing product or offer a great service, but no one knows about it, why?


Every business owner wants to drive more website traffic to their service or product pages .


This is because increased website traffic means more customers and ultimately more sales.


According to a HubSpot survey, businesses with blogs drive 55% more website traffic than those without:


55% more website visitors for companies that blog( source )


But driving traffic isn’t business. This is because people can visit your website and then leave again at the same rate.



High-quality blog posts and articles drive engagement and conversions .

High-quality content establishes authority in your niche

According to a survey by the Content Marketing Institute, 83% of B2B marketers say they differentiate themselves from competitors by creating better quality content:


How B2B Marketers differentiate their content from the competition( source )


Continuing to invest in high-quality content can help your site/blog become a notable resource in your industry.


Your brand’s visibility increases online as people telephone list seek your advice and share your content.


At Ranktracker, we not only establish our authority by publishing high-quality blog posts that rank highly in search engines, but also drive large amounts of quality traffic with our keyword research tools .


Here are some tips for creating quality content that will establish you as an authority in your niche:


Monitor your competitors’ content to learn their content strategies and create content that is 10x better than your competitors.

High-quality content that helps retain customers

Key drivers of customer retention include:

Surprisingly, you can achieve all of this by investing in high-quality content for your business.

Yes, you can easily retain customers if they trust your brand by regularly reading informative content on your site.

This will make them want to come back and read more content.

Plus, regular Phone Number List customers spend 67% more than new customers.

Creating quality content that makes customers want to come back is a great idea for any business owner looking to generate more revenue.

Here are some useful content ideas to increase customer retention:

Create useful resources.

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