The future of ADV? Interconnection

The future of adv. Interconnection between traditional and online meia guido marabini – 2 december 2021 future of advertising according to what was reporte by the internet meia observatory of the polytechnic university of milan during the second part of 2021 . Digital adv reache 4.2 billion euros in italy . A milestone (marke by +23% compare to the previous year) which allows online to stand out in the rankings of companies’ advertising investments. It is the second year in which digital adv surpasses traditional meia which in some cases still hold their own. Especially tv which boast a 45% share of the total sums investe. The question that every company attentive to preparing the best marketing strategies now asks itself is. What future should we expect in the advertising sector. 

We try to answer base on the data and analyzes in our possession

You might be intereste in. .Online adv over 4 billion. Surpassing traditional meia. Adv. More and more contamination between traditional and digital meia let’s start special data from the facts. Online strategies are applie. With ever greater frequency. Even outside of strictly digital channels. However. The principles of multi-channel and omni-channel are determining the nee to review the methods of access to content. Companies. In other words. Are aiming for an increasingly higher degree of interactivity with users. Exploiting new touch-points. Through sales processes and advertising spaces that combine physical elements (within stores) with progressively digital tools. Increasingly present in the promotion. Transaction and after-selling phases. The resulting task is to align the measurement and evaluation methodologies of the various commercial initiatives. Examples.

Analyzing the digital audio sector we can see a growth of 40%

Just one year. Accompanying this data is the increasingly assiduous presence. In italian homes. Of smart speakers. Capable in turn of conveying the sale of products Phone Number List and services connecte to them. Future of advertising how and where adv-oriente companies will invest in the two-year period 2022-2023 according to the meia reactions 2021 study. It is highlighte that a very high number (94%) of companies oriente towards digital marketing and communication intend to invest massively in the different video formats on the different platforms now on the market during 2022. Another significant portion (83%) is determine to increase investments in adv within connecte tvs. But that is not all. Strengthening a trend already underway. 78% will focus with even greater conviction on social meia stories. While 73% will choose. Among the options. Those connecte to brande content together with the choice of ad hoc influencers. 

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