Someone else starts a business blog to bring forth new and innovative ideas. Someone, on the other hand, wants to build a blog into a place where they collect their own work samples in order to acquire new customers.
A company blog can be used to teach customers and thus lower the purchase threshold. A business blog can also serve as a way to be an opinion influencer.
Why does a company need a blog?
Here are some statistics about content marketing:
- Businesses that blog and use content marketing get 6x more conversions (Source: Content Marketing Institute)
- Content marketing brings 3x more leads than paid advertising and it costs 62% less than paid advertising (Source: Demand Metric)
- 71% of B2B marketers consider Canada Phone Number List blogging to be the most important form of content marketing (Source: Content Marketing Institute)
- 44% of customers read at least 3-5 blog posts before contacting a service provider or company (Source: Demand Gen)
- 90.63% of homepages do not receive organic traffic from Google (Source: Ahfres)
- 68% of web visits start via search engines (Source: BrightEdge)
- 53% of buyers say that they do background work before making a final purchase decision (Source: Google)
- 70% of people prefer to look for information in blog posts than in advertisements (Source: Demand Metric)
- When the reader decides which link to click, he chooses the links from which he can get the most information before clicking. This means that the anchor text of the link as well as the text around the link play a decisive role in the decision to click on the link. (Source: Nielsen)
The most effective content formats are
- Blogging (65%)
- Social media (64%)
- Case Studies (64%)
(Source: LinkedIn Technology Marketing Community)
The company needs a blog, because it is the most effective way to market without expenses, to sell without pushing and shoving, and to commit customers to Phone Number List your company for a long time. If done correctly, readers will become long-term loyal customers and brand ambassadors for your company.