How much does a Digital Trafficker earn in 2023

How much does a Digital Trafficker earn in 2023, salary, functions and training . If you want to know what a Digital Trafficker is and what it does, in this article we explain everything about one of the most popular professions currently due to the rise of advertising on social networks. In this post we talk to you about the functions you must perform to work as a digital trafficker. In the world of digital marketing, new professions continue to emerge, some go unnoticed and others are going strong. Thus, just as a few years ago it was fashionable to be a Community Manager , today there are other types of professionals.

In high demand

By companies and the digital marketing sector. And one of the professions that seems to be here to stay is the case of the Trafficker , one of the professions executive data that is generating the most growth, boom and interest. If you want to know all the functions, types, different training and how much a Digital Trafficker charges, don’t miss this guest article by author Alejandro Castro Valín . The Digital Trafficker is that specialist who is in charge of buying online traffic in order to meet the client’s objectives and goals. In other words, the function of the Digital Trafficker (also called Traffic Manager) is to take charge of the Internet advertising campaigns of a brand or business and achieve the results desired by the client.

Let's not fall into

The trap of thinking that the Digital Trafficker is someone who only carries. Out advertising campaigns on Facebook or Instagram. A Traffic Manager is also Phone Number List responsible for managing advertising. Campaigns from media such as: Advertising on LinkedIn.  Display Advertising. The profile of a digital Trafficker has to be multidisciplinary. Since, in many cases, not only is it enough to have knowledge of advertising. But you also have to add qualities such as image retouching, advertising writing, copywriting, etc. 

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