Friendship in the digital age

Accept cookies Philosopher Stine Jensen also sees a negative shift in our approach to friendship. During the debate ‘Friends!’ organised by Artez on 2 December 2011, she presented a real manifesto for dealing with friendship in the digital age. She had previously advocated a conscious approach to our intimate capital in her essay for the Month of Philosophy ‘ Real friends: Intimacy in the time of Facebook, GeenStijl and WikiLeaks ‘ (2011).

By this she means that which you normally

A share only with a small circle of people, but which is now used, due to the blurring of the public and private united kingdom phone number list  domains, to acquire power and influence; in the same way that Pierre Bourdieu’s 3 original types of capital work: economic capital (money and real estate), gemini live assistant arrives in french and german  cultural capital (knowledge, skills and education) and social capital (network and relationships). In her manifesto she elaborates on this further under the commandments ‘Thou shalt honour thy true friends’, ‘

In short, is it time to move from

A the ideology surrounding social media to a more realistic view and Friendship in  realize the unexpected consequences that the development of these technologies has on our lives? Social media is such a young technology that is growing rapidly; a growth that is in interaction american samoa business directory with our use of it. In the words of Sherry Turkle: “Just because we grew up with the internet, we tend to think the internet is all grown up.”

In short, has the time come to teach the social media toddler our habits and customs, in order to avoid major inconveniences on the one hand and to create a lifelong friendship on the other?

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