Growth Hacking: learn how to win more customers and sales

Growth Hacking: learn For many people, growth hacking may sound like just another buzzword in the corporate world – repeated over and over again in meetings, lectures and other market events.

But the truth is that the technique is one of the main trends in digital marketing , which has helped countless companies to increase their customer base and bring in new business.

Unconfirmed reports claim that it

Was thanks to growth hacking that Facebook reached 500 million users.

LinkedIn is another great example: it jumped Growth Hacking: learn from 2 million to 200 million users by implementing a technique that allowed users to create public profiles.

In order for you to understand the concept and

Apply it to your business to obtain good canada telegram data results, reading this article is essential. See more below.

Understanding the concept of growth hacking
It is almost impossible to understand the concept of “growth hacking” without first having a proper understanding of the term “hacker”.

When we hear the word, it is quite common

To associate it with criminals who in this article some highlights of this ‘social’ day act through unauthorized access to data.

But this is only a partial description of this professional profile. In a broader sense, a hacker is a person who knows a process very well and is able to find a “shortcut” to do things more quickly.

This means that hacking is not a

Criminal activity carried out by shady phone list individuals. It is a serious, goal-oriented approach that – in most cases – is also an innovative way of doing things.

So what is growth hacking?

It is an innovative approach aimed at fostering growth. A growth hacker is a professional whose goal is to increase the number of clients and, in doing so, help generate more revenue for a company.

You may be wondering where

The innovation in this is, since, in theory, the team or your marketing agency also operates under this premise.

The difference lies in the profile of

The dedicated professional: the growth hacker has one foot in marketing and the other in programming. It is based on data and intense testing that he applies different marketing and product approaches to rapidly expand his business. He optimizes the value of each user at each stage of the purchase journey .

Agility is the key word

While conventional digital marketing is focused on bringing constant growth, growth hacking has the mission of rapid and exponential evolution.


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