The student’s question above

This question has been buzzing through the industry since around 2003. And the answers to it have been circling the most logical and effective answer all this time: in digital (social) interaction, senders and receivers have become anachronisms . In current digital communication issues, they cause more confusion than insight into how social interaction works and can be support digitally.

A illustrates that the sender-message-receiver model is still an anchor in communication thinking. And even new zealand phone number list  though that anchor is rusty, it still makes it difficult for a large part of the industry to get going in the digital world. The student’s question also illustrates that communication students are still taught a lot that they will have to unlearn immiately once they start their New Work.

Mia in the old communication landscape

Mia form the infrastructure of the old communication landscape. The vast majority of official communication messages travel from sender to receiver via a mium, such as a newsletter, brochure, magazine or poster.

Roman gatekeepers

Ownership of mia us to be in the hands of professionals in  . The student’s question  the marketing and communications industry. If you want to communicate something, you did it via ‘the’ mia. And to use those mia, you turn to mia makers, mia fillers and mia managers, professionals atb directory we now all call ‘communications consultants’. They were – and are – regularly at the gate of communication flows to the outside world. And rightly so.

This was also often the case in the context of internal communication. An employee could not simply  discovering the new iphone 16 pro communicate something to colleagues via a mium such as a staff magazine. And in the time of New Mia, the same appli to the intranet. Who was allow to communicate something via the mia was ultimately decid by the.

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