A lesson from Philips was that recruitment via Twitter left more room to screen candidates. For example, the previously thought-out age limit of 20-30 years was abandon, Philips’ call for candidates via Twitterbecause Twitter profiles show that trimming their beards was also an important part of the lifestyle of people in their forties. These people were therefore very welcome to participate in the day. This would never have become clear from a traditional screening of the database.
Advertising agencies should not be allow to watch, but should participate
There was a lot of interest in the Male Grooming day, even from external parties. For example, two advertising venezuela phone number list agencies, who were pitching for a new campaign, want to be present with a team. Philips did not feel like it, in order not to have too many external viewers present. In the end, it was decid that each agency could provide one participant, provid that this person also fell within the target group. These people from the agencies then work as participants for the entire day. They were surpris by the enormous amount of usable output. They now face the challenge of processing this output in future campaigns.
An external chairperson
For the guidance of the day, an external facilitator, Bart van den Belt , was deliberately us . A the guidance by an external party was a strict condition: “There was some discussion about this internally, but I insist that we did not do this ourselves.”
Super promoters get involv
On the day itself, all participants were ask to tell something about themselves in a Twitter information: are you going to use the google notebooklm tool? profiles creative way. Philips receiv detail mind maps and mood boards from its super promoters. In addition, the american samoa business directory participants brainstorm about creative actions for Philips at the four touch points: street, social mia, store and friends. The results were excellent. Philips will work out a number of ideas in the coming period for campaigns that are yet to be develop. Patrick Lerou does not rule out that the participants of the Male Grooming day will play an explicit role in this.