What is the difference between a plugin and a widget?

What is the difference between a plugin and a widget? Adopting a new technology or program always takes time. Whether it’s a new phone, computer or, say, a blog platform, you have to learn how to use it. At first, the jungle of many functions, terms and features can seem insurmountable.

Believe it or not, when I first tried to use WordPress in button and ribbon, I didn’t understand anything about it. It was still a time when you had to download WordPress first to your own computer and then transfer it to the server using an FTP program.


Fortunately, you can get started much easier! Most of the technical work is already automated.

In this post, I want to go through with you the differences between widgets and plugins.

With these two elements, you can build an almost unique blog, because thousands of different plugins and at least dozens of widgets have been developed for WordPress. They offer unlimited possibilities to modify the blog in such a way that you will not come across another similar one right away.

What is the difference between a plugin and a widget?

First of all, it must be stated that widgets and plugins can only be used if you have a WordPress.org blog, i.e. you manage the blog yourself. Here

the widgets are theme-specific, so not everyone may have the same widgets.

Widgets are typically used in Cambodia Phone Number List the sidebar. Bottom bar, or top bar, but depending on the theme. For example, the front page of a blog can be built using these widgets.

Personally, I use widgets mainly to make the sidebar simple and informative. In some of my blogs, I might put a few widgets in the bottom bar (e.g. IG photos, statistics or social media icons).

 You can find instructions for setting up such a blog

phone number list

Adding widgets and plugins to WordPress.com is limited, and as a rule they are paid. Or they require a paid version of WordPress.com.

More on the topic:  What is the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org?

Widgets, i.e. gizmos

The widgets can be found when you Phone Number List  log in to the WordPress. org control view and move your mouse over the link list on the left side to “Appearance”. An additional menu appears next to it, from which you click on the “Vimpaimet” link. Please note that the texts are in Finnish, if you have remembered to translate WordPress into Finnish in the settings.

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