Create Pillars and Supporting Clusters

Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die,” by Chip Heath and Dan Heath. This book explores the principles of successful communication and how to create ideas that stick in people’s minds. This is a great resource for content writers who want to create memorable and effective content.


“The Copywriter’s Handbook” by Robert Bly . A comprehensive guide to copywriting, from writing headlines and subheadings to writing long-form copy. It focuses on efficiency and is perfect for people looking for simple tips.


Becoming a successful content writer takes time and effort, but it is a rewarding career path for those who are passionate about writing and marketing. Don’t forget to hone your writing skills, stay abreast of the latest marketing trends, and create a portfolio to showcase your best work. Use social media and online platforms to network, find customers, and focus on building relationships with the people you work with.


What is Headless Architecture

Headless architecture or headless is a very hot topic right now. If you’re not familiar telephone list biz with this term, you might be wondering what all this buzz is about.

Headless refers to a website architecture in which the front-end (the part of the website that users see and interact with) and the back-end (the part of the website that handles data storage and handles user requests) are separate from each other.

Both the frontend and backend are connected via APIs to enable communication between both ends and get things done.

To understand this better, let’s take a simple example . Let’s say you’re in a restaurant. The restaurant you are sitting in is the frontend, the kitchen is the backend, and the waiter that processes your request is the API.


Benefits of going headless

This is in contrast to traditional website architecture, where the front-end and back-end are tightly coupled. Changes made in the Phone Number List backend directly affect the frontend and vice versa. Therefore, the existing architecture is rigid, lacking the flexibility and convenience to change easily.

With headless being such a buzzword these days, every article on the internet is probably telling you to go headless because it’s so cool. But why exactly is headless riding so good? Let’s take a look at the benefits of choosing headless riding.

improved performance

Headless architecture allows the frontend and backend to be separated, allowing the frontend to be optimized for speed and performance. This can result in faster page loading times and improved overall website performance.

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