On-Boarding is usually familiar when

On-Boarding is usually familiar when the customer has already signed the contract. However, I wanted to take a couple of steps back and create a similar process for potential customers. The goal was to create a good feeling and wow effect before the customer pays anything.

The On-Boarding process was 3-part:

  1. Attractive content on the selected channel
  2. Directing to an automated communication channel
  3. Regular pre-heating and removing barriers to purchase
1 | Attractive content

The attractive content was determined by who the customer

Is, what his life situation is like and even what challenges he has with interior design. At the beginning of the collaboration, the entrepreneur had defined the profile of the customer avatar, which was mirrored all the time when creating content.

We knew that the customer avatar Iceland Phone Number List is already well aware of interior design and has perhaps even purchased the services of an interior designer before, but is now moving to a new home and desperately needs professional help. The end customer doesn’t have time to think about interior design, let alone go around furniture and interior design stores.

2 | Controlling the automated communication channel

The entrepreneur would have liked to gather potential customers on social media. But during the cooperation I emphasized the risk he takes with social media.

After a few conversations and convincing. The entrepreneur chose e-mail marketing. Even though he was not familiar with email marketing and even though he himself had bad experiences from the customer’s point of view, I assured him that we do email marketing according to his values ​​and respecting the end customers.

Headings had a clear meaning in opening the messages, but also in the contents we wanted to bring out a new perspective. Instead of just presenting past projects, we wanted to build trust and bring out expertise holistically.

3 | Regular pre-heating and removing barriers to purchase

phone number list

One of the most significant successes was the creation of a short survey. During the warm-up, we sent potential customers a short survey to which we hoped they would answer. Based on the survey, we constantly received up-to-date data and information about obstacles to purchase, which enabled us to produce content that was just right for them and up-to-date.

The entrepreneur’s potential customers started contacting and booking appointments on the fourth and fifth messages, so it made no sense to stretch the automation to more than six messages.

The first messages were sent every two Phone Number List  days, and after that the transmission time was extended first to five and then to seven days.

We also created the automation so that if the customer makes a call, he is moved away from the pre-heating automation and into another automation, where the messages are slightly different. And, when the end customer signs the contract, the latter automation also ends for him.

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