Less Participation Peru’s Great

 If I have to point out any of the works that mark my life, I suppose forever, I would have to refer to that little book. Perhaps it is an appropriate story for especially wayward and non-conformist teenagers, as I was at the time I decid to read it. Maybe. But from the moment I immers myself in the story of the belov Harry Haller, I experienc the comforting feeling that he was not alone. From then on, a certainty would always accompany me: the pages of a book can lead us, for better or worse, to explore unexplor byways of ourselves. silhouette on the people who walk at an accelerat pace to mingle in the impersonal traffic of a city captur by the voracious desire of that material progress that leaves less and less space for the expression of the spiritual dimension of our existence.

Praxis of Life Is Not

 That discovery alone would be enough to justify reading this great writer and any other author whose work allows us to delve a little deeper into ourselves. The Socratic maxim, which Plato’s teacher took from the heritage of Greek wisdom – that enigmatic “Know thyself” – retains its validity in the pages creat by Hesse, and even more so in these times of consumerist vertigo, vile business lead attacks against the environment and excessive ambitions for power and money. At the Spa was publish in 1953, when the glory he never sought had already touch him: the Nobel Prize for Literature was award to him in 1946, in a ceremony that he did not attend, and where Henry Vallotton, on his behalf, read an austere speech of barely two pages.

Something New in

Among his most recogniz works, in addition to The Steppe Wolf , Demian is often mention . The Youth of Emil Sinclair , Under the Wheels , Siddhartha , Narcissus and Goldmund , Rosshalde , and Knulp (Three Moments in a Life). He also wrote poetry, illuminating Phone Number List essays and establish extensive epistolary communication with Thomas Mann and Stefan Zweig, which would later be collect in compil volumes. His last novel, The Bead Game , was written under the sign of a spiritual crisis caus by the catastrophe unleash by the war that devastat the world between 1939 and 1945.

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