Banks Neglect Email Inquiries

One in five emails sent to banking entities receives no response and banks-neglect one in two responses has Banks Neglect unsatisfactory content. That is the conclusion reached by a study by the consulting firm specialized in email marketing. Absolit Dr. Schwarz Consulting and the telemarketing platform. Walter Tele-Medien in which the reactions of 155. German credit institutions to various inquiries by emails carried out in several stages. In the first stage, banks were confronted with. Three customer queries relating to issues such as opening an account or purchasing shares.


banks-neglect Of a total of 465 queries made

The credit institutions responded to 367, which means a executive email list rate of 79%. The remaining 21% of the queries did not receive a response. Furthermore, only 53% of the credit institutions consulted sent a satisfactory response. Regarding the speed of sending the responses, 44% of them were answered the next business day, in 15% of the cases the financial institutions responded two days later and 41% of the queries were answered within three days. or later.


Thus, banks banks-neglect are wasting valuable

Potential in customer loyalty, according to Phone Number List the authors of the study. Entertainment, through email and Banks Neglect telephone. In addition to Italy, Buongiorno Vitaminic operates through controlled companies in Spain and Portugal (under the Buongiorno-MyAlert brand), the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Austria. The Group, which is listed on the Nuovo Mercato in Milan, plans to end 2003 with a turnover of between 52 and 56 million Euros, a considerable increase compared to 2002 in which it achieved 40 million Euros. 

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