Protected: 23 Reasons Why Your Email List Doesn’t Bring Business

“Do I have anything to give my readers?” This is what many bloggers think about, especially at the beginning. “Who would read my blog?”

Doubt towards oneself and one’s own competence is high in everyone at the beginning. Think back to the first day of school or work and how uncertain you felt then. But with time, the uncertainty faded away and was replaced by certainty.

Blogging is no different from this. You experience a little more uncertainty with the blog, because your texts can end up in front of the eyes of many – even tens of thousands of people. I understand that it can seem scary.

Just like in work communities, there are also those in the blogging world who criticize everything and always. Do not care about them. One person’s opinion is not the whole truth. I know from experience that you will get much more positive feedback than negative.

Do I have anything to give my readers? [Reader Question]

You are a unique person. You have unique thoughts, ideas and experiences. And that’s exactly why you have a lot to give to others. No one has experienced the same things in the same way as you. Everyone’s experience of any matter is always unique.

Let’s imagine for a moment that you would like to write about such a difficult topic as a parent’s alcoholism. As an adult, you can unpack childhood traumas and talk about your experiences. Sure, therapy is a very good option alongside blogging, but for some, writing is therapeutic (like me, for example).

In the beginning, the blog can only Iran Phone Number Lis be about unpacking and thinking about things. You don’t need to tear up the headlines or try to magnify emotions so that people grasp the issue.

In the beginning, you can accept the fact that no one will read your blog yet, in order to gain experience in writing. The blog is for you.

When you have written 10–20 blog posts, you can start sharing posts on social media, for example in Facebook groups aimed at bloggers.

Over time, those people who have experienced something similar become readers. And people who know their friend has experienced something similar, share blog posts.

After this, you can start thinking about monetizing the blog and plan more posts.

Maybe you want to start a blog anonymously and stay anonymous for a while. That can also be done with a blog, even though data protection issues have come a long way.

For example, you can set up a blog via a shared server for WordPress, so no one can see who owns the domain.

“What if my experiences are similar to other bloggers?”

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It is true that the example used in this post is suitable for quite a lot of people, and many people can start writing a blog on the same topic. You can still provide people Phone Number List  with good content. It is done through subject limitation.

In topic delineation, you choose one area from the past that you will talk about in your blog. It can be, for example

  • breaking down fear states
  • dealing with trauma
  • own relationship with alcohol.

Even if all three of these things go under the same blog, taking a smaller area as your blog theme will help you stand out from all the other blogs out there.

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