What are the differences between UX and UI?

If you work in the world of web design, or have been interested in it at some point, you have surely heard of UX and UI. These two terms often go hand in hand and are often confused as if they were interchangeable. However, although they share similarities and complement each other, they are not the same. Have you ever wondered what the differences are between UX and UI ? In this article we are going to clear up all your doubts. What is UX? User Experience (UX) is a term that encompasses much more than the simple design of an interface – especially now, with the impact of Artificial Intelligence. It is a holistic approach that seeks to understand and improve a user’s total interaction with a product or service.

From the moment a user discovers a product

To after-sales support, each touchpoint is part of the user experience. Key aspects of UX Usability: refers to how easy it is for the user to perform a specific task. Good UX design eliminates friction and makes interaction as easy as possible. Accessibility: Goes beyond usability by ensuring that the product is usable by people with various abilities, such Oman Phone Number Data as visual or hearing disabilities. Interaction efficiency: It is not just about being able to perform a task, but doing it as efficiently as possible. This can include keyboard shortcuts, intuitive navigation, and fast page loading. Examples of UX tasks User research: This may include surveys, interviews, and usability testing to understand user needs and behaviors.

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Creation of empathy maps: these maps help

To put yourself in the user’s shoes and understand their emotions, needs and pain points. Designing user flows: This is about creating the optimal path that a user will follow to complete a task, ensuring that each step is logical and fluid. UX Professional Profile Main tasks Research: understanding user needs through quantitative and qualitative Cameroon Phone Number List methods. Data Analysis: Interpret user behavior data to make informed improvements. Prototype design: create initial models  to understand and share users’ feelings is crucial to designing an experience that meets their needs. Analytical skills: being able to break down and understand large amounts of data to make informed decisions.

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