Why is keyword research important

Let’s look at some of the free tools you can use. Google keyword planner allows you to enter a keyword and will give you a list of suggestions relate to that keyword as well as search volumes. If you’re a google advertiser. You will get specific search volumes. Otherwise. You will see broad ranges. You can also use filters to customize your search. Tip: google’s autosuggests are base on where your cursor is. So try moving it to the beginning. Middle. And end of a phrase to get more suggestions. You may nee to add a space or asterisk (or star) after your cursor to see the full list. Keyword surfer is a free extension for chrome and allows you to view search volume within google for a query and its autosuggestions. Keywords everywhere is another free chrome plugin.

When done right

When done right. Keyword research can help you to: get the right kind of visitors to your site: if you get the wrong type of visitor to your site. They are unlikely to click or become a sale. It may convert new database into leads. But it could be the wrong type of lead or one of low intent. Identify keywords with high search volume with low volume terms: keyword research helps to identify and keep phrases that have good search volume. And disregard keywords with poor volume. Identify content gaps: this is more common than you might think. For example. When we design a website. It’s often a designer who leads the process. Or maybe the ceo chose what content to include and where.

Which can be use with google keyword

 Which can be use with google keyword planner and other search engine interfaces. The free version allows you to see google ‘relate keywords’ and ‘people also search for keywords; provides an insight Phone Number List report for youtube search and tags and analysis of urls. It makes up for the broad ranges and gives more specific search volumes. Keywords everywhere is another free chrome plugin. Which can be use with google keyword planner and other search engine interfaces. The free version allows you to see google ‘relate keywords’ and ‘people also search for keywords; provides an insight report for youtube search and tags and analysis of urls

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