What kinds of blogs are there?

There are several different reasons for writing a blog, i.e. blogging. It can be a way to break down a challenging life situation, act as a peer support for others. Teach, act as a way to share information, or if it is a private person, a blog can be a channel through which the blogger makes money with commercial collaborations and UGC (User Generated Content ) .

For companies, a blog is part of marketing, sales tunnels and customer acquisition.

The first important question you should ask yourself is “Why would I write a blog?”. The worst answer is “Because I want money”. Blogging is a marathon and you should commit to it for several years in order to get the most out of it.

You should have a topic that you can talk and write about all the time. I often ask my students “Would you write about this topic if you weren’t paid a penny for it, or on the other hand, would you write about this topic if you were paid 100,000 euros per month?”

If you answer yes to both questions, then you are on the right topic. In the beginning, the income will be less, but over time you will increase the income. And with the right strategies and methods, income can start to grow in just a few months.

8. How much does a blogger earn?

Most of the bloggers earn a few tens or hundreds per month. There are several reasons for this, which I have covered in my other posts. The most China Phone Number List typical problem is regularity and the fact that you write about many different topics.

New bloggers learn from old bloggers and since those who have blogged for 10-15 years can write about anything, new bloggers think that they can write about anything too.

According to research, however, precisely defined blog topics bring the best readers and income, because readers are committed to a certain topic and want to know and learn more about it.

I would hardly be a very convincing blog coach myself if, in addition to blogging, I had talked about raising a cat, being bullied at school, yoga, jogging and being single.

A blogger can make money with his blog in several different ways

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The easiest and fastest way to start is referral or affiliate marketing .

That’s why I always encourage you Phone Number List  to monetize your blog 1-2 months after starting the blog .

With consistent and correct monetization, a blog can start producing from 1,000 euros to even 10,000 euros in the first year.

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